CAN-FIND has been specifically designed to support all the suppliers that serve the can-making industry. So if Suppliers & Event Organisers wish to maximise the benefits of CAN-FIND they can do so by building a custom advertising package that suits their individual needs. We are comitted to offering low cost packages so feel free to browse our advertising rates.
The CAN-FIND Buyers Guide with its 130 product categories is the most comprehensive & easy to use anywhere in the world. At the time of writing we have approx 12,000 users in 144 countries using it. A supplier listing with basic details is free of charge, but you can really stand-out from your competitors with some very low cost advertising upgrades which can be found here.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to make adjustments to your listing.
An optional Sourcing package (where suppliers can receive quotation requests) is also available for just £99 for 12 months and for that price Suppliers are guaranteed to receive requests for quotations (RFQ's) when the search criteria identifies them as a potential supplier. The full details can be found here.
High Impact Advertising is also available from just £39 per year. If you'd like to benefit from great colour graphics (which we can help you create) like the one below, just click here for details.
You can then add the below logo to your website to let you customers know you can be found on the worlds largest online database of can-making suppliers.

By purchasing any package from CAN-FIND you are agreeing to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.